Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

And me without my tartar sauce.

Today we did a walk/scoot along the Tommy Thompson trail in Anacortes along Fidalgo Bay - the same trail we went on during our last visit up here. Sister-in-law Pam, who's my birding mentor, pointed out this seagull who was gobbling up a live, wriggling Dungeness crab. I wouldn't mind having that for dinner! (Dungeness is premium crab, there is none better, imo.) I'd want to cook it first, though.

We didn't see much bird life there today - a banded kingfisher, some double-crested cormorants, and this guy. In the back yard, however, I ticked off a few on my list: evening grosbeak, black headed grosbeak, hairy woodpecker, Wilson's warbler, spotted towhee, cedar waxwing. It's a bird lover's paradise here, and I've had lots of opportunities to try out my brand new binoculars, an early birthday present from Laurie. I must have looked a bit eccentric today looking through binocs, then taking some photos, then switching back to the binocs. They'll make a bird lady out of me yet.

Tomorrow we head home; we'll stop in Seattle for a visit with my sister who's staying down there this month, then home sweet home. A very restful, pleasurable vacation it's been!

Look at this guy large.

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