Sophie and the Hallelujah Chorus

We went to see our niece Sophie Marie tonight in a Christmas concert put on by her high school music department. There were many different band and choral groups, and they performed in a rat-a-tat-tat style with no breaks for clapping. WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN APPLAUSE!!!

Sophie is in the top big photo...the cute one playing the flute with the dark hair. She is a wonderful young lady, and we're all awfully proud of her.

The bottom 3-photo sequence is the combined choir groups singing the Hallejulah Chorus. It was a rousing rendition, and one I softly sang along with...since my high school choir also sang it...some 46 years ago.

I have to be careful with events like this. It almost...I repeat almost...put me in the Christmas spirit. And, that takes a lot for a Scrooge like me. ;0)

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