Life through the lens...

By ValC

Festive Abstract

Photo of the tree lights, on our hedge under the lounge windows, kindly put there by our neighbours as it is actually in their garden. 
( With these old properties boundaries get complicated!)
The condensation made the blurry patterns which I thought were perfect for today's Festive Abstract theme.

Supermarket shopping done this morning. Surprisingly it wasn't busy and we got a parking space straight away.
However there was a long queue at the cheese shop in the town.
Five of them were working flat out, and I didn't have to wait too long for some beautifully ripe Brie de Meaux, and soft  triple cream Delice de Bourgogne. Two of our favourite French cheeses.  Had some at the end of our meal tonight and it was delicious. 

We had a very relaxed afternoon as some friends invited us over to exchange Christmas cards. Nice to catch up and find out about family and friends we hadn't seen for a while.

Having had our family Christmas last weekend, we are having a very relaxing week, and really enjoying the run up to the real Christmas Day as there will just be the two of us. 
I hope the rest of you aren't getting too stressed out!

Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday. 

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