Helikopter / Eldorado
Imagine sitting in a theatre. In front of you, onstage, is a helicopter, its rotors turning slowly but accelerating. It is LOUD. It's so loud that you feel the sound in your gut and the theatre is rattling. Imagine a string quartet played through an amplifier turned up not to 11 but to 21. This is the music by Karlheinz Stockhausen that accompanies the dance 'Helikopter'. It was fecking amazing.
The second dance ' Eldorado' is laid-back by comparison. Twelve dancers perform on a stage which is surrounded on three sides by white monoliths. Helikopter is visceral; this is incredibly sensuous, assisted by the fact that the dancers are wearing skimpy sheer outfits. Phew.
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I didn't want to get chucked out for illicit photography of the dance, so here are two men dancing at the interval. The girl is operating the decks / selling ice-cream - you choose. Captures the evening nicely, I think.
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