Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Christmas Markets

After school today, we planned to hit the Christmas Markets in Princess Street, so the kids could go on a few rides. The wee man seemed particularly impressed by the notion that there was a train he could ride. 

However, when I picked them up from school, he decided he didn't want to go to the markets at all but straight home. 'What about the rides?!!'  But with a firm shake of the head and a pouting lip, he reaffirmed that he just wanted to be home, so he could lay down and watch TV. 'I'm too tired to go on any rides'. 

So instead we went home to play and have lots of quiet time.  The wee man was particularly sluggish and spent a lot of time lying down and being very melodramatic. So, it wasn't all that surprising when I felt his forehead and noticed he had a wee fever.  Hopefully he's back to his brighter self tomorrow. 

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