Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Wow ! Just wow ...

DDLCs Alice (light of my life child ) met her idol this afternoon .. Alice watches the chase and her absolute favourite chaser is Anne ... Alice adores Anne because Anne speaks out about being Aspergers and as Alice is autistic she is Anne's biggest champion and likes to discuss the quirkiness ...DDLC and Mr Fry managed to get I touch with Anne's people and so Alice duly went to the stage door and her idol actually came out asking for her !! HOW COOL IS THAT !! What a lovely lovely lady to make Alice so happy that she cried with joy ...
DDLC sent the pictures through ASAP ..
I've cried with happiness and Mr W was all full of tears when we read DDLCs texts ...
Anne is in Jack and the Beanstalk in Portsmouth I think they said .. to be honest I was so excited they met her I can't remember the town !!

Back to me for a moment .. I'm in bed with the most horrific sickness bug ... it's carnage ... that is all you need to know .

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