A senior moment
I took a host of photos of the Christmas displays at the market, and decided to blip this one. Saving my edited version, I realized that I couldn't remember what those plants were called. After thinking for a while, I finally saved the image as "flower plant display." It took a lot of brain-wracking before I came up with poinsettia.
It was on the tip of my tongue, one might say. And it reminded me of a research study on the "tip of the tongue phenomenon," that I read while in college back in the '60s, The intent was to understand what people actually knew about the word they felt was on the tip of their tongue. They discovered that people did in fact have a lot of information about it, such as the starting letter, how long a word it was, and how many syllables it had. That scientists could want to understand this, and could think of a way to figure it out, seemed wonderfully clever to me, so that it remains vividly in my mind some 50 years later. I think it was one of the reasons I became a psychologist.
The Extra is a photo of another display that speaks for itself.
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