Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

Expedition day 3

The thought of trying to pack all this away into cycle panniers without the watchful eye and guidance of Mr PB was a bit daunting. However with the promise of breakfast in the camp site cabin (cafe) Fu sprung out of bed and helped pack. Slept slightly better than the previous night with the exception of having my pillow swiped away from under my head by a totally oblivious Fu! And the sudden storm that seemed to brew up from nowhere sent us to bed slightly earlier. We had spent the evening watching the lightening out at sea and thankfully that is where it stayed.

We crammed all our belongings back on the bikes and set off on our quest to reach Norwich before the last train left!! Our navigation skills did us proud. We found Aylsham easily where we had a lovely lunch and then started the final part of our journey. We cycled through some very busy parts of Norwich but found the station and smiled very sweetly at the train guard to let us on his train even though he was already over the number of allowed bikes. So after 30.5 miles we were safely on the train bound for Peterborough.

Now home, thoroughly knackered and looking forward to my bed! Had a great few days and it reminded me how much I love cycle camping!

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