Stained glass
For reasons best know to themselves the higher ups have made us all move desks, I am now opposite my old seat which means I can no longer see the wall clock, but I do have a better view down the room. I am also next to the guy who know all the stuff I need to learn.
Incident at work today. The team 'grouch' (he's a lovely bloke, he just gets frustrated by the job, and it is not difficult to get him to laugh) decided that his packet of crisps had been stolen. He went off on such a rant about it (to be fair we did hide his chocolate advent calendar) that Cat gave him her packet of crisps. Well even then he didn't shut up and continued to make his opinion of sneak thieves and petty opportunists known. By this stage we were fed up of him and told him to eat his charity crisps and be quiet. Five minutes later he found his own packet of crisps in his jacket pocket.
I threw several paperclips at him, whilst other members of the team jeered at his red face. But at least Cat got her packet of crisps back.
I don't think he is going to be allowed to forget it.
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