Hump Day

And I did actually wake up with the hump - absolutely no idea why. I ploughed into the usual Wednesday drudge of doing the housework which didn't really help. Asha helped out big time though, so it was done in half the time though.

Then this afternoon, I buggered off down to Bacton Woods with Arwen, Asha, our friend Jen and the hound. That certainly blew all the cobwebs of humpiness away :) We took the longest route, Arwen & Jen stick-sword fought for most of the way, the hound charged about like a loon and of course, trees were climbed. I also had a very co-operative Admiral butterfly pose for ages so I could get some pics, but after going through all the pic's I took today, I couldn't resist posting this one of Arwen in a tree :)

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