the birds...

...are back in town and while there is not a partridge in a pear tree in sight there are plenty of Red Tailed Black Cockatoos hanging out in Marri trees.

Commonly referred to as the red gum, Corymbia calophylla is a blood wood native to  South West Western Australia with big, blowsy white blossoms and equally big fruit the '.honky nut'.

Made by Australian Scouts and Guides into 'woggles' (the fastening of a neckerchief...and yes I speak from experience as a mother of Cubs!) Red Tail Black Cockatoos are huge fans of the honky nuts peeling them open like a tin can and hoicking out the large seeds.
The  lower jaw 'bite marks' (extra) identify the parrot or cockatoo that has been feasting on the 'nut' but not hard to identify this lot as they flew away in a flashes of red and black with a great deal of yelling as we approached.

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