Family Dog

By Family_Dog

curiosity killed the cat...

I haven't seen presents like this under our tree since I was a kid - I didn't even realise that the shape and size of the presents under the tree change as you get older. Big wrapped up boxes used to drive me demented with excitement and curiosity - I am fairly certain the same will be said of Arlo when he's a bit older.

Today we've got Robbie & Tracy coming round for some Christmas Eve tapas. Spanish food on Christmas eve has been a tradition of ours for some time now - only we'd go out for it and get quite tipsy on cava whilst guzzling it.

We chickened out of putting Arlo into his room, out of sheer laziness. The thought of trudging back and forth along the hall (seriously, it's not even that long) to his room and back again was too much to bare whilst we're so knackered and have so much on. He's going in on 28 December. It's official.

Maybe. Christ, at this rate he'll still be in our room when he's 20.


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