Grandpa and Grandma...

with baby Brynn.

This is my S-I-L Lori and B-I-L Steve with their first Brynn.

Just out of the picture is my niece Sophie. She had a good 10 year run as "the center of attention" until Merrick came along and snatched it away from her. Sophie is now 16. Merrick had a 5 year run until Brynn took over the spot. Merrick and my daughter are in South Carolina, so today Brynn REALLY stole the show.

There is something special about children and Christmas. And, there is also something special about that look on the face of grandparents.

We fell short of our expected party total of 28 people today. Two didn't show, so we ended up with 26. A nice gathering, but we're tired. Lisa has already hit the sack, and I'm right behind her. (Just as soon as I watch the ending to The Sound of Music  for the 28th time.

 Climb every every stream. Follow every rainbow...'til you find your dream.


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