Curve Ball

Well, it may not be a ball but I was certainly thrown a curve.

I went out to get SWMBO's Christmas present this morning and after hating every moment of the experience I was home in time to make a cup of tea for her getting up.

But not before I got some shots of the tree rat I suspect was in my loft last night (the builders failed to turn up yesterday to replace a missing end cap on the roof).
They might look cute - but I don't want them in my loft!
It looked like it might be getting ready to head back up there, but after a  few well chosen words it headed off across the neighbours garden.

I heard her getting up and heading into the shower.

After pouring my tea I heard some strange panting sounds coming from the shower.

Not a good sign.

I went up and she was definitely not well.

I managed to get hold of her as she collapsed and it was obvious that she was having either a TIA or a full blown stoke.

After doing a Face, Arms, Speech, Telephone (see here .... and learn it) I did indeed phone for an ambulance.
By the time it arrived 20 minutes later - From the  Falkirk depot!!!!!!!! the effects had worn off.
However, the affected side was not the one that has always been affected before so I was quite happy for her to be taken into hospital to get a full check up and scan done. The doctor was super and had read SWMBO's (extensive) notes before seeing her. She also actually listened to what was being said and took head of what I had to say (too often I have been treated as if I am not there - after all,,,,, I am not the patient).

Of course - nothing was found and after 4 hours I was able to take her home and apart from being extremely tired you wouldn't notice any difference.

What I do take issue with (here comes the rant............) is the fact that there are only 3 ambulances covering the whole of West Lothian and the biggest hospital outside Glasgow & Edinburgh in the Central area. All of these were being used for patient transfers to Edinburgh which is why Falkirk were having to pick up the slack.
THEN - when you arrive at Accident and Emergency they totally lose the plot (and common sense). Despite all the  FAST (remember that?) information stuck on the walls they totally ignore it and put you in to their "Triage" system!!!! 
Now, Triage means to assess the patient as soon as possible and to put them in the order of urgency.
Not in Livingston!
There was a half hour waiting time before the 'triage' nurse would see you. Then she appeared to be completely disinterested and was not in the slightest bit bothered by a blood pressure reading that was only just above 'dead'.
I got really pissed off when the woman with last nights minor cut on her foot and the man with the minor cut to the tip of his finger were taken first and the people who had phoned up the 'Out Of Hours' and been told just to come up were taken right away. A stroke victim would be seen quicker if the phoned the Out Of Hours and made their own way to the hospital!

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