Chocolate Heaven
His Lordship and I arrived home yesterday to find an unexpected parcel on the mat outside our door. Inside was a beautifully wrapped box of designer chocolates sent by son#1 and my daughter- in-law, and which is set to knock my chocolate embargo right on the head.
Because the chocolates are made with fresh cream, it is not possible to store the box for later appreciation, it must be opened and consumed fairly quickly.
HL has a tendency to eat his way through chocolates at least 3 times faster than me and since there is no way I am foregoing my share, embargo or not- I will just have to regulate the intake for both of us. It is interesting to note that so many chocolate collections come in odd numbers which ensures that with a couple there is always one of the pair who bags the extra one. In this box there are 25 which means we can have 2 each for 6 days and a brawl over the remaining one on day 7.
With granddaughter Imogen's* 14 th birthday tomorrow, HL and I will visit later this afternoon bearing gifts. We have 4 grandchildren's birthdays between tomorrow and the 4th of Jan- how inconsiderate of their parents!
* Imogen extra image
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