Advent Calendar - 17
Time is marching on and today the first wrapped parcel arrived in the house... so lovely!!
My sister came to stay last night and arrived with gifts and cards already done.. l am in awe!! However.. by the time she left she had a bag of presents from me to her family so that was also rather pleasing!! (Tick!)
I spoke to a friend yesterday who we haven't seen for ages and they calmed me down by saying they were looking forward to winding down for Christmas rather than my feeling this year of rushing headlong into it.. so l have decided from today onwards that l will take a deep breath and calmly approach this festive season and what happens, happens and whatever doesn't happen will be somoene elses fault!!! Now... where are those Christmas cards that need writing?? I might get a chance to do some before going to the Carols by Candlelight in an hour...
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