Good morning

Sunrise at quarter to nine in the morning on Friday.

I was just rushing, as a friend from work was giving me a lift, and then I saw the beautiful sky. I literally run to my bedroom to grab my camera, took all my stuff, got out, run down the street and took the photo quickly as my friend's car was approaching. This is the only photo I took, as I didn't want to make any of us late for work. If only I had left the flat a bit earlier... but, knowing me, this was very unlikely to happen, haha!

I didn't have a good day at work today. I could give you a long rant but I wont... I suppose we all have good and bad days...

It was nice to relax with Scott in the evening watching a movie. I wasn't in the mood for anything else.

Saturday off.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars. I hope you all have a good weekend! :)

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