
By tnewman

Christmas tree

What is going on in this photo?

This is an image of my family's 2016 Christmas tree. Every year my family goes to a Christmas tree farm to pick out the perfect tree. We fill the tree with family favorite ornaments dating back for generations.

How is it related to a specific human geography concept from the current unit or previous units?

This image is related to relocation diffusion. The idea of the Christmas tree was spread by people moving and taking along with them their culture. The hearth of the Christmas tree was Germany in the 16th century. The now popular tradition was brought to the US by German settlers in Pennsylvania in the 1890's.

Link the image to one of the 5 themes of geography with an explanation of how it relates.

This picture relates to the movement theme. People physically moved to bring the tradition to new places. If it weren't for the German settlers we might not have the widely popular Christmas tradition.

Word count: 114

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