Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Baby, it's cold outside...

You know it's going to be a cold walk down to get the paper when you look out and see a bunch of puffed up birds, balancing on one leg.  If you look closely, you'll see that this little dark-eyed junco (a member of the sparrow family) has it's left foot tucked up into it's feathers with just a "toe" poking out.  Incidentally, the junco was right - it is frigid outside.  Thankfully, no wind today, but it's still plenty cold.

These pretty little birds are regular winter residents in our yard.  They show up every fall and leave again in the spring to head north to their summer breeding grounds.  It's not unusual to have 20 or more under the feeders on cold winter days.  They are scrappy little things, frequently chasing each other and engaging in little spats.  

By the way, there are a bunch of smiling titmice outside right now - I put out a dish of live meal worms for them.  Squeals of delight were heard.  And one photographer let out a squeal of delight upon spying a female Pileated Woodpecker high up in one of the hickory trees, looking for insects.  Way too high up to get photos, but lovely to see.

Possibility of snow tonight and into tomorrow morning so, I'll make sure the heated water for the birds is topped off, as well as all feeders.  Lots of birds at the feeders today, including a mourning dove that is missing ALL of it's lovely long tail feathers.  I suspect a hawk might have been involved in that...

Thanks very much for stopping by.


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