Of today's five photos, I chose the only one that's not a door. This is a random collection of items outside the local garage -- which started life as a blacksmith/forge, and now specialises in tractors and grape-picking machines rather than cars. Known for being able to fix nearly anything; I suspect at least some of these items will get re-used at some point.
The door series will be continued at a later date. In other news, I now have a cold manifesting itself as a scratchy cough, so other than my brief bliphunt, I stayed by the fire. And I had some positive news on the work front, which was pleasing.
The obscure Estonian film, Kertu, that we saw last night was very good. A domestic drama featuring an abusive father and a daughter thought of as the village idiot who falls for a local drunk and lothario who is despised by everyone. Beautifully acted and cleverly constructed to gradually reveal the underlying currents. And although I don't normally care for violence in films, I couldn't help being pleased when dad finally got what he deserved -- a punch on the nose. The cine-club programming is really good; they keep digging up excellent films we've never heard of.
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