Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Solitary Pursuits

My Dear Fellow,

Going to the pictures on one's own is a social faux pas. If you tell people you indulge in this sort of behaviour they look at you askance and with pity. I don't mind it at all.

I quite like it. So I sauntered along to CineWorld (what you used to call "The Ugly Cinema" when it was UGC). This was to see the new Star Wars film in IMAX 3D.

Another advantage of going on my own. Everyone else I know becomes queasy watching IMAX 3D films. And it just ruins the whole film-watching experience if you think your fellows are about to boke all over you.

I quite enjoyed the film, but it didn't warrant the IMAX or the 3D. Not really. That's all right though. 

El P.

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