Still seeking answers

Weather worn, not weather beaten; he stays in the garden at the beach house. Reading the tome in which he hopes the answers can be found. Answers to the big questions. Such answers arise from understanding the meaning of the little questions. 

Little questions; like how did Trump win? The meaning of that question is that I cannot understand how my side didn't win. Understanding that that is why we ask such a question gives direction towards what is actually a much bigger question. How will it be possible to bring together what appears to be majorly and terminally sundered?

The answer lies somewhere in being able to accept that those who voted for Trump are not necessarily bad people (and by corollary, those that voted for someone else are not necessarily good people). That they saw a different way to the achievement of the same ends as were/are desired by most of those who did not vote for Trump. 

Which leads to an answer to the big question. Cross the divide. Talk to others and debate without ridicule or hostility the ways and means of achieving a just society. Reflect openly and without preconceived ideas on what makes a society just.

I always recall the comment by a US health economist; "Any society that is not prepared to let people die in the street for lack of access to health care, believes in socialised medicine." The real question is how much, not whether or not. I suggest that few people want an unjust society. Many have never thought that there can be debate about what is and is not just.

Words rather than sword. To cleave us to one another, rather than to cleave us asunder. I have always been fascinated that one word has such opposite meanings.

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