The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Snowball Redux

There are days that leave me scratching my head, wondering why I care so much about my work.

Enter, "Zero Visibility," the flavor of some sugar and fat-filled ice cream I happened upon at the grocery store.

Questions about my sanity commenced at home.

"It's not sugar-free? How many grams of fat are in this?"

I was intrigued by the coconut, rum, and more coconut offered in this concoction, and waited an hour after eating dinner to scoop some out and give it a try.

Immediate memories of my childhood flooded my senses.

That taste!

The taste of coconut covered ice cream "snowballs," complete with a candle, put a smile on my otherwise sullen face. I couldn't help but grab a birthday candle and light it up like my mom did when I was a small lovechild!

I don't know how the ice cream maker did it. Maybe they made the original confection.

All I can say is that I am thankful for this blast from the past, and enjoyed a bit of chocolate sauce on top, because chocolate makes everything all better.

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