There was a PROBLEM with my car today, actually happened yesterday.  My husband was on his way to the airport to pick up his brother and wife and a five gallon container of paint fell off a truck and onto the road, and BOOM!  Opened up, spilling the paint onto the road.  Said husband tried to get around the paint but was only half successful.  Paint on the tires, thrown up onto the entire wheelwell on the right side of the car, including spots of paint on the body of the car.  Paint absorbed into the rubber of the tires, well, you get the idea.  He called me to tell me what happened, but didn't stop to try to get the paint off because he would be late getting to the airport.  Hours later, with the paint now totally dried, he arrives home.  On top of all this, he's sick with a really horrible cold.  Poor baby.  Anyway, here's the good news in all this:  I spent two hours with my new best friends at the car wash this morning, and ALL THE PAINT IS GONE, except for on the tires because of the nature of rubber.  That will just have to "wear" away.  The luckiest part of the story is that the paint was latex and not oil-based paint!!!  Ah, life.  Some days you get white paint on your shiny black car and the next day it washes off.  Life is good. 

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