Glass Fusion
I've spent a lovely evening at a 'glass fusion' workshop in our local Craft Shop. Not done any glass cutting or fusing before so it was a new thrill. 6 of us were on the beginners table and another 6, who had done glass work before, were on another table and we were all expertly guided by the two 'Glassy Ladies' who were running the workshop. There were a very nice crowd on the Course and in the few interludes when we were not totally engrossed in our work there was mulled wine, tea, coffee and mince pies on the go.
I made a random C tree to be curved in the kiln to end up as a tea light stand, another curved tea light stand and 4 hanging Santas - can't wait to see how they turn out when they are returned to the shop next week after all our pieces have been fired?!!
Got a bit of a headache now after all that excitement and concentration.
Got a 3D needle felting course lined up for January - you can tell I'm a glutton for punishment!
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