colorful, or offensive?

in dewey square right by the entrance to south station there's a giant mural that has been the subject of controversy lately. otavio and gustavo pandolfo, two acclaimed brazilian artists know as os gemeos erected this installation a few weeks ago as part of their exhibition down the street at the institute of contemporary art. it's just a boy in pajamas with a shirt wrapped around his neck, but some people have strongly objected it, saying it portrays a terrorist. personally, i think it's just a colorful work of art and those who think otherwise are being hard-headed, or even ignorant. i understand that the issue of terrorism is a bit of a touchy subject, especially here in america with the recent shooting of the sikh temple in wisconsin, but sometimes i just can't get over how ignorant some people are.

i usually don't write this much on blip, if at all, but i just thought i'd provoke conversation for once.

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