AbstractThursday77 Dots

Today didn't begin particularly well and hasn't ended very well either.  On Monday we noticed a wet patch on a wall  - isolated, at head height- on our first floor.  Our plumber was able to investigate today and found that the cause was an old lead pipe that is unexpectedly still in use and is now damaged and gently leaking.  To sort this out, the bathroom floor at least will have to come up so that the water can be rerouted to safe, new pipes.  We won't have this done until after Christmas but in the meantime he has stopped the leak although this did mean removing quite a bit of plaster to expose the offending pipe.

Late this afternoon daughter #1 visited her doctor to have second steroid injection in her hip.  unfortunately he didn't do it as he was so concerned about her very bad chest cold/cough/breathing difficulties that he asked us to take her to A&E immediately.  I took her at 5pm and she was seen by a doctor within 2 1/2 hours.  She is receiving treatment and is improving but t 11pm they are undecided as to whether or not to keep her in.  At 7.30 pm her bf took over  from me and daughter #2 and I came home where I'm waiting for a further update from him.
In the circumstances I hope that I can be forgiven for producing only a hasty  phone shot of Christmas tree #2  which has been given a Prisma DeepArt effect to make it look vaguely dotty.
Quick update, daughter being kept in overnight so just had a quick  1.30am dash to the hospital with pyjamas drinks and snacks etc!

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