Puppy Training

Today was mostly spent wrapping!
And tidying up!!
And going to the dump and the charity shop.
And picking Miss L up and taking her swimming, picking up Miss E and getting to puppy training.
Archie was a devil - he seemed to have forgotten everything he's ever learnt. Including how to sit!!!
He did pick up a few new phrases too which probably aren't repeatable here!
The Little Misses did brilliantly with him getting him to walk to heal and wait while they went ahead of him through a gate. 
We also had a few festive games: Musical Puppies which saw them sitting, lying down and waiting when the music stopped. Archie came second, woohoo!! 
And a fantastic timed race where they ran to a bowl, ate the sprat (if that's the singular of sprats!!!!) in it and then ran back. Archie (with Miss E) came second with a respectable 13.4 seconds. If he would only move and eat at the same time he'd have won!!!
Then it was home to a bad Mummy dinner of Frubes, museli bar, crisps and cheese, before a couple of episodes of The Deep and bed.
Mr K was out on the razz with his new work colleagues and by the time he got home I could only grunt at him for a bit before heading to bed.

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