Within the realm of a dying sun

Yesterday has now been back blipped due to the schoolboy error of not removing little camera from Prince before leaving him at the Garage.
A lot of negative use time today as I spent the morning on the phone to our legal advice line for directors, finally we have some support to bring an awkward situation to a close. I'd conservatively reckon that 4 of us directors have now put 300 hours into this process - how much good stuff could we have achieved for members instead of putting out malicious fires? Hmphhh.

Driving back this evening under a horrid flat grey sky I'd got the tunes cranked high and was aware a tiny portion of my monkeybrain was jittery as I'd not even seen a sniff of a blip (yes, all the senses can be engaged in BlipQuest)...resigned to it being a pooch EB I glanced in the mirror as all good drivers do...and executed a near emergency stop, something was dramatically odd in the sky to the West.
A quick recce told me I could win a race with the falling sun and get to Grayrigg Pike - from where I took a series of shots that in no way do justice to the show that nature put on, I don't know if there's such a thing as a 'supersun' but this certainly was.

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