Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Wednesday Food Market

We finally unpacked today and, as always, are amazed and relieved that everything disappears into drawers, the slim wardrobe and the trolley bags stored in the overhead cupboard with the winter clothes we wore to travel here. We won't be needing that till we leave again! We made it to our local Wednesday food market too and it seemed even more vibrant than we remember it and we had our usual cane sugar water fix and bought fruit and veg for lunches for the week. We resisted the delicious looking 'pasteis' as we knew we were going to have lunch at the Biscui buffet por kilo restaurant. These pay by weight buffets are very popular here and the selection and quality is excellent. We resisted the feijoada (that will probably be Saturday!) and quiche and some lovely salad things instead. We're lucky that all this is on our doorstep here. No news from the bank yet...maybe tomorrow. We feel more settled in now.

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