MOT 2016

I took the bus pass body up to the doctor's surgery this morning for its annual MOT. That included donating some of my blood and other bodily fluids for examination, a BP check and the dreaded weigh in. For the latter I cunningly wore my lightest trousers and a short sleeved summer blouse- no point in exaggerating the poundage with heavy winter clothes when the temperature outside is not far off from that of summer.
It seems my loathed gym visits and meagre diet of late has richly rewarded me with an all time low BP and a greatly reduced amount of avoirdupois. Not only that but my charming nurse offered herself up to the altar of Blipfoto.
It couldn't get any better and I even squeezed in a shingles vaccination.

Dancing all the way home with relief, His Lordship and I popped in to a Mexican deli and bought a box of Mantecados and a Caribbean rum cake in celebration.
It is just as well the MOT is over for another year!

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