Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Happy Trails!

I cheerfully left the rest of the family to their roof box packing to go to work this morning - discovering along the way the happy news described above (which I partly share with the rest of the world, I freely admit, simply because this is the only photo I took all day!) Don't worry, this assertion is backed up by some rigorous research by the Nottingham Post (still called the Evening Post in these parts despite the fact that it hasn't come out in the evening for ages) who apparently asked a small number of random people for their opinion. Later on we were off on the first stage of our epic drive to the former East Germany - that is as far as Folkestone, where we were staying overnight prior to an early Euro Tunnel crossing on Sunday morning. That's the reason why today's blip was originally going to be called 'The Day We Survived Folkestone', a town which I can't help but feel that very few residents would describe as 'Happy.' We rocked on down to the harbour, despite the warning glances of the hotel receptionist we asked for directions, blithely hoping for a fish supper on the pier, only to return fairly quickly, and somewhat cowed, to eat Burger King in our room at the Premier Inn and watch Jessica Ennis and Mo doing their 'Super Saturday' Olympic stuff on the nice big telly instead. Folkestone harbour is a grim wasteland populated only by wandering loonies, surly teens and tattooed toothless drunks falling out of pub doors. Quote of the evening comes from Tom: "I'm with a man wearing hiking boots - we're going to get stabbed!" Avoid at all costs. At least, holiday-wise, the only way was up...!

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