Almost home

Having dropped the van off ealryish yesterday morning (M4 traffic reminding me why I wouldn't want to live near London) we went, via my mother in Cheltenham, to Crianlarich north of Glasgow for a night in a civilized B&B. At least this meant not having a ridiculous early start to catch the 2 pm ferry to Lochmaddy - indeed gave us enough time to stop in the Fortwilliam Lidl for a retail fix before returning to the isles.
The ferry ran to time and we got back to the house just as the light was fading. A neighbour had kindly been in and lit the fire and so it felt as if we had hardly been away. Slightly odd that having left wit ha car full of stuff for France thinking we would make space in the house, we have arrived back with a different car full.- that shed is going to have to be large!

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