
By NamaKris

This Week 1956

It is very cold-27 degrees with snow covering the Portland metro area, driving is treacherous. I stayed home after an earlier drive around the neighborhood to warm up and to charge my phone. (Before snow)The electricity went off around 7am and came back five hours later.
I then started to worry about my daughters and their commutes and my grandchildren who were at daycare.
One daughter left Salem at 12:30 and was home safe and sound within the hour. The other daughter stayed at her school longer since four buses failed to arrive to pick the students up. She and her family finally arrived home after 7pm-a two hour commute.
Today, to help pass the time, I went through my knitting and crochet patterns and sorted. Most are from my aunt and my mother. My photo is of one page from the Oregon Journal that survived and was saved by my aunt.

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