Kale on a Red Plate

When we moved here there were three nice big raised beds for growing veggies. There was nothing in them but one habañero pepper plant and one kale plant. We told Jesus, the man who was here inspecting the sceptic system, that he could have the habañeros. He picked one off the plant and popped it into his mouth. Now I am quite fond of peppers, but a single bite of a habañero would bring me to my knees!

As for the kale plant...I tried. We had kale salad. I even massaged it. I cooked it with so many onions and bacon that we could hardly taste the kale, but it still had that weird consistency....I finally gave up on it when I made a big pot of soup and even after washing the kale more than once, there were too many aphids floating on top of the soup to even think of eating it.

The thing about kale is that it is almost too good to be true when it comes to nutrients (especially when one considers the protein in the aphids) and unlike lettuce it is sturdy and easily shipped. We just got our Blue Apron meals for the week and two out of three of them contain kale....

Clearly, it is still raining outside. Flooding is predicted for tomorrow, and photographic subjects are limited. The red plate was sitting on the counter to return to someone who brought something far more delicious than kale to the house, and I thought maybe I could improve my relationship with kale by playing with the possibilities....

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