
Gales have been blowing all day, with showers too.  The wind has eased tonight, but pouring down!

In the museum office again today.  There has been lots more photo orders coming in, and I'm getting them to the printers and into the mail real quick.  I popped along Erik and Christine Erasmuson for a cuppa at lunchtime, and a good yarn too.  More scanning done in the afternoon.  It's been a quiet evening, hopefully manage to get out walkies with Sammy at some point, and hopefully before I head to work in the pub!

Before heading to Erik's, I nipped down the road to see if I was dry for a walk, and no it wasn't.  No lunchtime walk today!  I stopped off here at Bremmer for a quick snap, with the Kenwood house towering over on the hill, Cunningsburgh. 

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