Olive Green

I've taken no photos today, except this quick snap of the light through the olive oil...
We had a lovely Skype with great friends this morning - they're the kind of friends who help keep you going through the harder times, and celebrate the good times with you. Then straight off to the Midwife, where the day all kind of felt like it went a bit flat! The baby's fine, but my midwife is SO unfriendly and told me off for putting on too much weight. Urgh. It wouldn't be so bad, but she really is so unfriendly that it feels like a personal attack - though I know it isn't. Anyway, basically no more bread for me, sob!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The Fab 4...wonderful friends.
2) Asha grinning whilst listening to the baby's heartbeat.
3) Having a midwife & healthcare, even if i do find her difficult!

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