Sunset Over The Wall

at the Church Car Park (I nearly missed it) :)

(I wrote loads but lost my internet connection so this is the edited version)

Thank  you for all your lovely comments yesterday...  

I gave myself a good talking to (still suffering with the lurgy and the stupid cough seems  to have got worse again...and worst of all I can't sing, and I love singing carols especially :( ).

The most boring volunteering session this morning in a pop up shop that had more volunteers than customers and it was freezing!  I have cancelled doing Saturday's session because there are enough people for then...

Treated myself to a Nando's lunch before the job centre session on interviews and then my usual signing on session.  The good news is that after next week, I don't sign on for two weeks because they are shut :):)  (Boo!  still have to job hunt though)...

Apologies for a Rant
Came home to not a Christmas card....a B....dy parking ticket  for parking in an NHS car park for 10 minutes £100!!!!   I got lost on the way to my interview and only pulled in to make a phone call last Tuesday..... I am really angry and will be complaining but for now have paid the lower amount although I can't really afford it.  I was sitting in the car on the phone for ***** sake...  Well pee'd off and this is really the last straw at the moment...
End of Rant

Applied for more jobs online and answered another call about yet a possible interview in Bracknell...I'm definitely being sent places...

Another interview in the morning in Andover (at least its an interview)...  For this one of all things I need copy bank statements...... and as I'm not that organised at home with such things it means a hunting evening...  

Last of the Christmas cards to be written and posted!

Then another bath courtesy of my neighbour a bit later, what a lovely lady she is.  Wondering what to get her for Christmas, maybe a bottle?

After the interview I plan to do very little tomorrow!

Happy Wednesday (hump day) folks :)

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