
Mr P cycles to Bolton Abbey and back most weekdays.
He and his friends usually call in at the Cavendish Cafe there for a tea or coffee.
Like many other places they offer a reward card and each hit drink gains a stamp.
With a full card you can exchange it for a free drink or save them up and use them to have a meal.
So periodically we use them to go for our free lunch and a walk.
We love to be there at any time of the year but to me December, January and February weekdays are the best times because there are less people.
So today after his cycle ride we drove over for a late free lunch, very lovely it was too.
Then we went for a walk as l had an idea about catching the low sun coming through the Abbey windows.
Hardly any cars in the car park and we needed to put the lights on as we drove home admiring all the Christmas lights that were popping up everywhere along our journey .
Too full to eat a meal tonight!

Thank you Cailleach for hosting WildWednesday

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