Growing old disgracefully


The Lost Legion*

According to the historians, the 17th legion was totally wiped out in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest and the Romans never used this number again, out of superstition. That's rubbish, of course, because the legion is alive and well and still standing to attention on our local cycle track. I have photographed them before, but felt they could stand more exposure. I so admire the unknown sculptor who transformed bits of disused railway track. I love the expression on their faces, especially the little guy in front. You can see their commanding officer here.

On to Glasgow International Airport to pick up my sister off the flight from Birmingham and then a gentle afternoon excursion to NTS Hill House in Helensburgh. The threatened thunderstorm and torrential rain passed us by and we lazed in the garden over a glass of wine - well, you have to celebrate don't you - fifty years my sister and I have been together, not a cross word and hell of a lot of laughter.
The second breakfast - coffee, toast and lemon curd at the Three Sisters
Colour coded doors - if this is a mystery to you, you need to visit Hill House
Sisters everywhere, and my lovely sister in particular

* I think it was actually the 9th legion which mysteriously disappeared, possibly in Scotland.

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