Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Christmas Joy.

There are many lovely things to be thankful for at Christmastime.
The main one that gives me the most joy is knowing Jesus put aside his glory, and came to Earth as a baby, born in a stable, so he could save souls and help us realise God is Love, a forgiving merciful Father.
Knowing I am born again and destined for a heavenly future, not because I did anything amazing, but because I believe, through the grace of God, we who accept Jesus, are made acceptable through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. It is a joy to be a believer and hold in my heart so much love and hope.
Other joys at this time of year tend to centre around beauty.
The tree in all the lovely lights and ornaments.
Wonderful food.
Mulled wine.
Choirs singing great songs.
Friendships renewed and our stories updated through round robins and cards or e mails.
Love and warmth.
Laughter and family games.
Christmas films.
Peace and contentment.
It all adds up to an incredibly gracious and joyous celebration of our Saviour's birth.

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