Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Tony's Chocolonely

There may be a small amount of noise in the background as you read this.

Mostly paper rustling and munching sounds.

Hands up all those who knew wit wortel walnoot would be so very tasty? I was just expecting a eurovision type version of fruit and nut and not this delicacy.

We both survived the tribulations of air travel.
The bickering about whether it was ALL my loose change OR The Mr's car keys in the bottom of my handbag that caused my handbag to be rescanned kept us amused until the flight was called
The bus was waiting for us and we even managed a dash to M&S for sarnies.... The flybe snack box full of cheese and hummus from under the Swissport info desk seemed a risk too far.

Everyone survived at home, even if the range broke down one night only... It can be temperamental, it must have been missing me And the bottom of the back door fell off. Good job the new one that has been sitting in my wash house for weeks will be fitted on Friday!

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