I see a little silhouetto of an Asha...

...Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?

I know this photo is technically completely wrong, but there was something I liked about it...the halo hair...the clouds...

A really productive morning, then straight to grab Asha from school & have a picnic in the park on the way home. Once home we set to making beeswax creams for Christmas presents...and then the highlight was a Skype with Abby & Sol! 

Today I'm grateful for; 
1) Sunshine & birdsong.
2) A lovely conversation with a Senegalese mom outside school.
3) Caña Club at the bottom of Sa Penya.

Also does anyone know what the fruit in my Flickr set are? They from the tall tree with these flowers...

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