Tall Ship Ahoy

This weekend sees the International Tall Ships Race pulling onto Dublin Port where much Guinness will doubtless be drunk in order to celebrate the event. This morning while in Greystones I spotted this fine example sailing due North on its way from Spain.
With the zoom on full extension on the Fuji x10 the ship was still quite a small dot on the horizon so this is quite a big pull up from a small section of the frame. I was happy with it though and yes, before you ask, the gradient was added in Photoshop.
By the way, in response to one or two queries about yesterdays blip (thanks for such nice comments), the monument does look like a tribute to the Vikings. I don't actually know what it represents but I think it mey be no more than a stylised sail commemorating Wicklow Town's maritime connections. I don't know what connection the town might have with the Norsemen although for certain, Arklow was founded by the Viking "tourists" long ago.

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