Well, we got tons of snow from the storm but it was work per usual for me so I spent an hour shovelling the majority of my driveway before taking my time driving into work. I was thrilled to return home to see, not only the entire driveway free of snow, but this wee snowman to greet me. It stands only 6 inches tall...so cute :)
From snow to bitter cold and then back to snow again by Saturday. Yippee!! I have another family photo session this weekend : ))))
Have a brilliant day wherever you are! And thanks to everyone for all the peeks, comments, stars and hearts...I was absolutely overwhelmed and delighted to see two of my recent blips on the first page of 'popular'. Very cool indeed, and heartwarming <3
"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
~ G.K. Chesterton
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