The original...

...Santa Run duo, the Rooster and I, returned for a second year and this year joined by Uncle Paul, Conor, Jack and the rest of our Stirling Reidos crew. In all nine of us ran this year for team Gill,

A day where we had fun and enjoyed being together but there is always that empty chair.

She never leaves me, neither do my Mum or my Dad, there isn't a day I don't think about them often. Us all running together and pulling together for a cause in Gill's memory did bring her that wee touch closer on Saturday. I felt that anyway.

It's a nice wee course the Perth Santa run and the non-runners amongst us did well. I ran round with the Buncle and Fangler this year, coaching them on. The Fangle didn't need much coaching, he was up for it. His bit of a geek couch potato big brother needed a bit more encouragement but he got on and did it for his Aunty Gill. In some respects his efforts are more than those of us who do run. We were the rear guard. The Rooster, despite being up all night on a night hike with his Scout pack was in the advance party with Uncle Paul and Jack. Mr R took the buggy with cousin Conor as he's not run for a bit with a sore knee so he could jog and walk when the congestion became too much. Conor and him seemed to be criss-crossing with Es somewhere in the middle of the pack:-)

We all finished in decent times and then enjoyed a bit of lunch in Pacos before heading home.

Grateful for the time spent with family and friends today and so grateful for those who have donated to our cause.

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