More cakes

I spent all day trying to catch up. I decided to 'quickly' finish decorating the Christmas cake for the work raffle. I made some trees with sugar baubles and stuck them on joined by green streamers with mini gingerbread people between. Looks ok.
By now I had lost half an hour and then the plumber arrived to look at a leak, and spread some glue on it.
Lunch time rapidly approaching, the carol singers arrived needing mince pies and delaying lunch, probably a good thing!
After a sit down with 'the goldfinch' I thought there was time to quickly finish the cupcakes for the coffee morning and enlisted one of the girls to give me a hand. We got quite sticky and I think she ate several but by then I was behind with making the soup and managed to burn it in my rush to get the sandwiches done. Rescued it with some cream and mixed spice!
I was pleased to get finished this evening, and came away with two little boxes of chocolate from one of the resident's relatives. Phew!

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