Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Message in a bottle

And the message is that Christmas is coming. A little row of half a dozen tiny trees lit up in little bottles. Dead cute.

Seasonal lunch at work tomorrow. I didn't go last year, was grumpy and antisocial. Hopefully will be good tomorrow. Then on Wednesday my old mate Mr F is meeting a few of us for dinner, having come over all the way from Seattle. I really like Mr F. 

Thursday is after work drinks and Friday I have another evening work dinner. Saturday is entertaining The Yoga Mama and going to see the light sculptures at Wisley. And then it is only one week until international fat man in the chimney day...

I do like Christmas. 

Rubbish day at work today. I have no energy, no concentration. Yes I have a head cold but I am also back in that really fatigued and down place again. Difference this time is that I have a better perspective. KBO. 

Check out Three French Hens

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