Ready to go

Busy busy day for these tiny monkeys! The baby woke katie up very early but they played together well. I took her and katie to dance class in time for the girls' lesson and then realised that I had left Katie's panto bag at home so had to drive all the way back. I arrived just in time to pick katie and balletbuddy up to go to the theatre. We were first there!

Today was their first double show day. The first was at 2, with time to get tea before the second at 7. Katie was so pleased as one of her friends went to see her in the matinee. Apparently she absolutely beamed the entire time she was on stage. Katie was going home with balletbuddy tonight. They finished about 10 but didn't get settled into bed until 11 as her friend was sick on the way home. When they got settled it took her seconds to get to sleep

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