
By LaChappelle

Auntie Rachel's Easy Fat Free Yummy Tea Loaf

A slice of this tea loaf was perfect with a cup of tea in the late afternoon sunshine with Mum and Auntie. So good, I took the recipe:

(Serves 8-10)
300 ml strong tea (1 tea bag - let it stand after boiling the water)
225g dark muscovado sugar
400g dried mixed fruit (she added chopped walnuts near the end)
1 free range egg
285g self-raising flour
*Auntie also added a drop of orange juice

1. Put the strong tea into a large bowl and stir in the sugar until it has dissolved.
Add dried fruit, cover the bowl with plate and leave to soak overnight. Next day, pre-heat oven to gas mark 4/180c/fan oven 160.
2. Give mixture a good stir, ensure that none of sugar has settled at bottom, then add the egg, and, finally the flour.
3. Give the mixture a good stir until all the flour is completely combined. Tip mixture into a greased and lined 2lb loaf tin and bake for around an hour and half or until cake is firm to touch and a skewer comes out clean. Turn out onto a wire rack and cool. Slice and serve on its own or with butter. Enjoy!

(From a traditional Welsh tea bread called Bara Brith).

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